Sons Of Anarchy Season 4 Review
Fourteen months have passed in "SOA" time since the end of last season, but there's next to no looking back in the jam-packed 90-minute premiere. By the end of the episode at least three major story lines are in play, and it feels as if we're in for a relentless season.Jax Teller is absolutely right: it's great for the Sons of Anarchy to be home. Right after an uneven 3rdseason that needed the club out to Ireland, along with used the members in a chess game between other players in whom the crowd had small invested, "Out" essentially strike the reset switch. They are back in Charming, but it is a truly unique Charming.
As Season 3 could be considered a drop in plot development by comparison to the first 2 seasons, I have big expectations that the 4th season will get the story back on track. Depending on first couple of episodes, the show is definitely going in the right way. While Season 3 left off, most of the Sons of Anarchy Motor Club, Redwood Original team were delivered on jail.
4th seasons are specially hard for really good, fan-favorite series. In Season 4, everyone wants to see if you’re for real. If you can still do it. If the hour remains worth the time of each viewer. It’s a season of doubt.
Season 4 starts with the release of Jax (Charlie Hunnam), Clay (Ron Perlman) and also rest of the incarcerated bikers. We see that Tara (Maggie Siff) has been raising Jax’ son Abel, along with their baby son, with the help of Jax’s mother Gemma (Katey Sagal) and other club. Life has gone on on the outside, but everyone is excited to offer the club back together.
For those of you who’ve already seen the 1st three seasons, I'm sure you’re going to like how things pick up in Season 4. The themes aren’t all that different than they were when the series first began. Perspectives are changed somewhat, but SAMCRO really it has always been. It’s Charming that’s changing and I’m excited to see how the team adjusts to the way things are run now, and if they’ll be successful in resisting what’s happening in their city, or if the upcoming changes, put into their growing internal problems can lead to SAMCRO imploding. At this stage, anything can happen.
However, that’s the best way to enter into Season 4, as you know escaping – for Jax – will be a lot harder than simply dreaming about it, like his father.
Woah, so much happened this week! We got a shootout at the club, Chucky makes head-chili, Tara decides to leave, the Mayans have a rat, Clay kills Piney…man! Can’t wait to see what happens next week…but I’m sure glad I’m not a DirecTV customer right now….this contract negotiation between DirecTV and FOX could mean that DirecTV’s customers will lose, among other things, FX. DISH just signed a contract with FOX last year to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen, so luckily as a customer/employee I don’t have to worry about it.
Everybody has enjoyed Sons Of Anarchy Season 4 episodes. I'm just crazy fan of sons of anarchy episodes and never missed it.
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